[Pensé] I believe in protests, it shows that we are against the wrong things in the world. But it doesn't change, it only teaches us to be human.

domingo, 31 de maio de 2020
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[Pensé] I haven't done the test yet, the Possibility test, most everything indicates, that the bigger the Block (10, 100, 1000), the greater the possibilities of generating numbering.

I liked using Block for password creation. Achieved functionality; safes, cell phone protector, etc.
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[Pensé] No combate à pandemia, o Peru não falhou. Foram as condições precárias que o atraiçoaram (ZAP) GOSTEI DESSA REPORTAGEM; FOI A PRECARIEDADE QUE TROUXE TANTOS PROBLEMAS; PAÍSES EMERGENTES NÃO ESPERAVA POR ESSA SITUAÇÃO.

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FHC: “Quem vai ser responsabilizado pelos erros do Governo, queiram ou não, serão os militares” -(El País) ELE TEM RAZÃO, E NÃO TEM, PORQUE O PRESIDENTE TAMBÉM É RESPONSÁVEL PELO SEUS ATOS.Mais acredito em um controle de atos Anormais.Até o fim do mandato

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[Pensé] I know there, the Logica Predictability chart, is nothing more than measuring the size of the Charts, Up or Down. I created rules and proved to be functional. Created by what was available

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[Nasdaq Index] (S12)(T16) +1 is Factor in "S" (S13) < T16 HIGH (⬆)

(5D) _ _---_ _--_ _- (S2,T3,S2,T2,S2,T1) < (S6) (T6) (1M) _ _ --_ _--- (S2,T2,S2,T3) < (S4) (T5) (6M) ---_ _-- (T3,S2,T2) ...
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[Pensé] Brasil atinge 28.834 mortes por Covid-19 e passa a França no número de vítimas (G1) O numero de morte não chega a 10% dos Contaminados, o problema é o "SUPORTE, TRATAMENTO", É CARO, para países emergentes, por isso a CONTENÇÃO é importante.

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[Rever][PDF] Notes on Discrete Mathematics

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[Rever] Industrial control and protection logic network

https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Industrial-control-and-protection-logic-network_fig1_250386614 [...] Very high reliability figur...
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[Rever] Prime numbers keep your encrypted messages safe — here's how

Ref.: https://www.abc.net.au/news/science/2018-01-20/how-prime-numbers-rsa-encryption-works/9338876 19 Jan 2018 [...] Don't kn...
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[Pensé] Block Z For password; Pose Mix the Blocks into 2 Security steps. The user decides which Block to use; 10, 5, or 20.

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Block Z10 in "Reformulation of creation Password"

Password conventional [340064      ] _____________ [ 1 ] [ 2 ] [ 3 ] [ 4 ] [ 5 ] [ 6 ] [ 7 ] [ 8 ] [ 9 ] [ * ] [ 0 ] [ # ] ...
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[Pensé] The IT people would call it iframes, they're iframes, I call it iframe architecture; Because you have a purpose.

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[Pensé] I don't want you to be like Chile. Political strife, in full pain.

sábado, 30 de maio de 2020
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[Pensé] I want to see until June and July, I don't want politics during those months. I want to see if there will be containment of the virus in Brazil and advances in economic restructuring. The lack of management will make room for the vice or president of the congress, to take office as ruler of the country. But I don't think that's going to have to happen. This is no time for politics.

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[Pensé] I like to talk about countries, keeps me updated, I like to talk about the "Structure", the "Machine" that moves these countries, it interests me, the machine. It seems sordid or a rerun of ideas of "Supremacy", it doesn't matter, I like.

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[Pensé] Upload on deepweb, this is not new, in the future browsers, will integrate the networks. And more will be created.

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[Pensé] Block Z10 "add funds" (mp4)

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[Pensé] I hate it when I make a mistake, it's looking insane, I don't need to prove anything, but I don't like it.

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[Pensé] [:-( You're wrong! The Block is 10 and should not be calculated with a 9. The Blocks don't mix in "Add funds".

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[Pensé] That's good, this could bring control of the Infestation.(UV)

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[Rever] Scientists Consider Indoor Ultraviolet Light to Zap Coronavirus in the Air

Ref.: https://www.nytimes.com/2020/05/07/science/ultraviolet-light-coronavirus.html [...] Some researchers hope a decades-old technolo...
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[Pensé] Can I do this without looking like an unscrupulous handler who "Take the Candy out of Europe"? Would it cause market dispute, and raise the roles of OI telecommunications, on the Stock Exchange?

I don't know, I don't want to look like the Villain. More makes sense, Europe will have the monopoly of Communication in Brazil, i...
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[Pensé] Or rather, I send an email or letter to "Ren Zhengfei" and say, why don't you buy Oi Telecommunications? You will open china's space with Latin America in the area of communication.

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[Pensé] Ok, I send an email to Hans Vestberg , I say why you do not buy Oi Telecommunications, you can expand fiber optics and Cheapen the Internet in Brazil?

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[Pensé] Ok, I send an email to "Carlos Slim Helú" and say why do you not buy Oi telecommunications, to avoid the monopoly and suffocation of Claro in Brazil?

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[Pensé] Telefónica and Tim are European, have thoughts and ideas, financially, equals. If the two acquire Oi Telecommunications, it will be "Monopoly", I do not like monopoly, the two will control the price of "Internet", in Brazil.

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[Rever] Telefónica deve trazer OpenRAN para Brasil ainda em 2020

https://teletime.com.br/18/03/2020/telefonica-deve-trazer-openran-para-brasil-ainda-em-2020/ [...] Controladora da Vivo, a Telefónica ...
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[Rever][Analyze] OpenRAN

Ref.: https://telecominfraproject.com/openran/ [...] Project Group is an initiative to define and build 2G, 3G and 4G RAN solutions ba...
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[Pensé] I don't want to talk about racism. The world is evolving, it ends little by little.

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[Pensé] Has an error in thought below; the issue of passthrough of 1% the profits, only the profits. I have to revise it.

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[Rever] Ki-yoo (Block of Notes Online) (MP4) http://galaxy3bhpzxecbywoa2j4tg43muepnhfalars4cce3fcx46qlc6t3id.onion/file/view/263869/ki-yoo-speak-momment-block-of-notes-online

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[Pensé] Ki-yoo (Block of Notes Online) https://m.blog.naver.com/zicutake/221984687093

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[Theory][Test] Public Funds System on the Internet; The majority of it is the one who makes the choice. [Part.2]

The creation of content for small businesses is simple, it creates an association, this association are passed on 1% the profits of compan...
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[Pensé] I liked it, Richard Ells opened up my ideas a little, the initial idea was funds, but I can substitute digital coins. It's just a test. a demo.

The creation of a group fund. Most win to make the investment. It is by vote. The idea opens space for the creation of indexes, as an...
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[Pensé] Existe fatores, regras no Brasil, quando uma grande empresa é vendida para um Grupo no exterior. Esses fatores, protege soberania Nacional e controle sobre ações futuras, tomada pela empresa; como controle de preço.

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:::::: # ::::::::

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[Pensé] :::::::: # ::::::::::

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[Pensé] It has no other intention, I wanted to publish something there. It doesn't matter, I'm thinking about other matters. All this happened, I believe that in 2021 will be a fresh start, good.

sexta-feira, 29 de maio de 2020
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[Pensé] Denounces: The Withdrawal of Civil Law, Brazil http://galaxy3bhpzxecbywoa2j4tg43muepnhfalars4cce3fcx46qlc6t3id.onion/blog/view/263815/denounces-the-withdrawal-of-civil-law-brazil

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[Pensé] Uno Blog em Deepweb "Galaxy3" galaxy3bhpzxecbywoa2j4tg43muepnhfalars4cce3fcx46qlc6t3id.onion/profile/zicutake

I don't need to write anything hidden. But it's not being hidden. It's just a messy place! In the future will have much more n...
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[Pensé] Sometimes I'm silly, but it's good to be silly sometimes.

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[Pensé] Política é para se eleger, Gestão Política é quando você toma posse, e leva consigo a responsabilidade para tirar um país do caos, ou tentar ter o máximo de ética possível.

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[Pensé] Fico feliz em ajudar o Chile, mais vai precisar de ajuda de Fora, se não esse dinheiro vai ser gasto sem Busca da Efetividade do Combate a Mortes e Infestação do Vírus. Precisa de Gestão de fora. Ali tem Política.

FMI outorga linha de crédito ao Chile de US$ 23,93 bi por pandemia ref.: https://www.istoedinheiro.com.br/fmi-outorga-linha-de-credito-ao-...
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[Pensé] I like cryptocurrencies, more is missing something, a base. The dollar has a base, everyone has a base, gold. That's what's missing, a base. Without a basis, time erodes everything.

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[Pensé] SciELO has a wonderful job. There are articles, research, that bring everything together in social, economic, technological and human science.

I learned a few things, the problem is not copying, the problem is monetize. I think it's important to be copied articles, articles of...
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[Rever][Analyze] Defining cyberterrorism - Laura Mayer Lux / Chile

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[Rever] Types of IT Architects: A Content Analysis on Tasks and Skills

[...]Information technology architecture is an essential element of an enterprise's strategy and impacts competitive advantage. The ma...
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[Pensé] I believe in a few things, but I believe that one day we will extinguish ignorance, illiteracy. Not because we're good, because the world needs it.

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[Pensé] Richard Ells talks about transparency, honesty, okay.... It's a good step to try to get into the "Nasdaq". The world is more complex, gold is still reliable and dollar will not let be demoted.

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ENC: Access the full 16-page Cointelligence report on Electroneum

De: Richard Ells Enviada em: ‎29/‎05/‎2020 17:26 Para: pedrodefilho@hotmail.com Assunto: Access the full 16-page Cointel...
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[Pensé] I remember an interview of the creator of the Sina.com, Wang Zhidong, it was the 90s, an ancient story, he said that in the future everyone would be on the Internet. He didn't lie. Ref.: Magazine Redigest.

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[Pensé] I can't hate China, but sometimes they make a lot of mistakes.

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[Pensé] The TikTok that bothered me because it gave "Money" for each installation completed. Nobody gives money. I don't believe in the privacy of "Kids", I believe in something bigger.

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[Pensé] I love it when I'm right! Ref. Tik...

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ENC: Daily Investor Update: U.S. senators urge probe of TikTok on children's privacy

De: Reuters Enviada em: ‎29/‎05/‎2020 17:02 Para: pedrodefilho1995@gmail.com Assunto: Daily Investor Upd...
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