[Pensé] I haven't done the test yet, the Possibility test, most everything indicates, that the bigger the Block (10, 100, 1000), the greater the possibilities of generating numbering.
I liked using Block for password creation. Achieved functionality; safes, cell phone protector, etc.
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[Pensé] No combate à pandemia, o Peru não falhou. Foram as condições precárias que o atraiçoaram (ZAP) GOSTEI DESSA REPORTAGEM; FOI A PRECARIEDADE QUE TROUXE TANTOS PROBLEMAS; PAÍSES EMERGENTES NÃO ESPERAVA POR ESSA SITUAÇÃO.
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[Nasdaq Index] (S12)(T16) +1 is Factor in "S" (S13) < T16 HIGH (⬆)
(5D) _ _---_ _--_ _- (S2,T3,S2,T2,S2,T1) < (S6) (T6) (1M) _ _ --_ _--- (S2,T2,S2,T3) < (S4) (T5) (6M) ---_ _-- (T3,S2,T2) ...
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[Rever][PDF] Notes on Discrete Mathematics
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[Rever] Industrial control and protection logic network
https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Industrial-control-and-protection-logic-network_fig1_250386614 [...] Very high reliability figur...
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[Rever] Prime numbers keep your encrypted messages safe — here's how
Ref.: https://www.abc.net.au/news/science/2018-01-20/how-prime-numbers-rsa-encryption-works/9338876 19 Jan 2018 [...] Don't kn...
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Block Z10 in "Reformulation of creation Password"
Password conventional [340064 ] _____________ [ 1 ] [ 2 ] [ 3 ] [ 4 ] [ 5 ] [ 6 ] [ 7 ] [ 8 ] [ 9 ] [ * ] [ 0 ] [ # ] ...
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[Pensé] I don't want you to be like Chile. Political strife, in full pain.
sábado, 30 de maio de 2020
[Pensé] Block Z10 "add funds" (mp4)
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[Pensé] That's good, this could bring control of the Infestation.(UV)
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[Rever] Scientists Consider Indoor Ultraviolet Light to Zap Coronavirus in the Air
Ref.: https://www.nytimes.com/2020/05/07/science/ultraviolet-light-coronavirus.html [...] Some researchers hope a decades-old technolo...
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[Pensé] Can I do this without looking like an unscrupulous handler who "Take the Candy out of Europe"? Would it cause market dispute, and raise the roles of OI telecommunications, on the Stock Exchange?
I don't know, I don't want to look like the Villain. More makes sense, Europe will have the monopoly of Communication in Brazil, i...
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[Rever] Telefónica deve trazer OpenRAN para Brasil ainda em 2020
https://teletime.com.br/18/03/2020/telefonica-deve-trazer-openran-para-brasil-ainda-em-2020/ [...] Controladora da Vivo, a Telefónica ...
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[Rever][Analyze] OpenRAN
Ref.: https://telecominfraproject.com/openran/ [...] Project Group is an initiative to define and build 2G, 3G and 4G RAN solutions ba...
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[Pensé] Has an error in thought below; the issue of passthrough of 1% the profits, only the profits. I have to revise it.
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[Theory][Test] Public Funds System on the Internet; The majority of it is the one who makes the choice. [Part.2]
The creation of content for small businesses is simple, it creates an association, this association are passed on 1% the profits of compan...
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[Pensé] I liked it, Richard Ells opened up my ideas a little, the initial idea was funds, but I can substitute digital coins. It's just a test. a demo.
The creation of a group fund. Most win to make the investment. It is by vote. The idea opens space for the creation of indexes, as an...
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[Pensé] Uno Blog em Deepweb "Galaxy3" galaxy3bhpzxecbywoa2j4tg43muepnhfalars4cce3fcx46qlc6t3id.onion/profile/zicutake
I don't need to write anything hidden. But it's not being hidden. It's just a messy place! In the future will have much more n...
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[Pensé] Fico feliz em ajudar o Chile, mais vai precisar de ajuda de Fora, se não esse dinheiro vai ser gasto sem Busca da Efetividade do Combate a Mortes e Infestação do Vírus. Precisa de Gestão de fora. Ali tem Política.
FMI outorga linha de crédito ao Chile de US$ 23,93 bi por pandemia ref.: https://www.istoedinheiro.com.br/fmi-outorga-linha-de-credito-ao-...
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[Pensé] SciELO has a wonderful job. There are articles, research, that bring everything together in social, economic, technological and human science.
I learned a few things, the problem is not copying, the problem is monetize. I think it's important to be copied articles, articles of...
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[Rever][Analyze] Defining cyberterrorism - Laura Mayer Lux / Chile
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[Rever] Types of IT Architects: A Content Analysis on Tasks and Skills
[...]Information technology architecture is an essential element of an enterprise's strategy and impacts competitive advantage. The ma...
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ENC: Access the full 16-page Cointelligence report on Electroneum
De: Richard Ells Enviada em: 29/05/2020 17:26 Para: pedrodefilho@hotmail.com Assunto: Access the full 16-page Cointel...
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ENC: Daily Investor Update: U.S. senators urge probe of TikTok on children's privacy
De: Reuters Enviada em: 29/05/2020 17:02 Para: pedrodefilho1995@gmail.com Assunto: Daily Investor Upd...
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Denúncias de Direitos Suprimidos
Exposição sobre honorários pagos a advogados públicos que jamais conheceram seus clientes, violando a Constituição e restringindo direitos, como a ampla defesa dos mais vulneráveis. Inclui registros de tortura em São Paulo.
Por Joaquim Pedro de Morais Filho
Formulário de contato
Postagens mais visitadas
⬇ ORDEM POSITIVO De: Zicutake [Música] Enviada em: 01/01/2020 12:26 Para: ivan.rincon@tsj.gov.ve ; gukov@supcourt.ru ...
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[SEGUE-SE SABER] No dia 2 de Julho de 2020, o Réu do Processo 1500106-18.2019.8.26.0390 Joaquim Pedro de Morais Filho, foi detido de maneira...
sexta-feira, 10 de setembro de 2021 Manifestação e Petição no Processo 1500106-18.2019.8.26.0390 Venho eu Joaquim Pedro de Morais Filho, 2...
Após amplo entendimento e averiguação atua-se por intermédio de demandas eletrônicas e por meios de Comunicação da Rede Mundial de Computa...
Codigo de Envio: MG004932356BR PETIÇÃO DE INVESTIGAÇÃO (STF, STJ E CNJ): investigação com Urgência sobre a Penitenciária de Aquiraz Termo...
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- [Pensé] I believe in protests, it shows that we ar...
- [Pensé] I haven't done the test yet, the Possibili...
- [Pensé] No combate à pandemia, o Peru não falhou. ...
- FHC: “Quem vai ser responsabilizado pelos erros do...
- [Pensé] I know there, the Logica Predictability ch...
- [Nasdaq Index] (S12)(T16) +1 is Factor in "S" (S13...
- [Pensé] Brasil atinge 28.834 mortes por Covid-19 e...
- [Rever][PDF] Notes on Discrete Mathematics
- [Rever] Industrial control and protection logic ne...
- [Rever] Prime numbers keep your encrypted messages...
- [Pensé] Block Z For password; Pose Mix the Blocks ...
- Block Z10 in "Reformulation of creation Password"
- [Pensé] The IT people would call it iframes, they'...
- [Pensé] I don't want you to be like Chile. Politi...
- [Pensé] I want to see until June and July, I don't...
- [Pensé] I like to talk about countries, keeps me u...
- [Pensé] Upload on deepweb, this is not new, in the...
- [Pensé] Block Z10 "add funds" (mp4)
- [Pensé] I hate it when I make a mistake, it's look...
- [Pensé] [:-( You're wrong! The Block is 10 and sho...
- [Pensé] That's good, this could bring control of t...
- [Rever] Scientists Consider Indoor Ultraviolet Lig...
- [Pensé] Can I do this without looking like an unsc...
- [Pensé] Or rather, I send an email or letter to "R...
- [Pensé] Ok, I send an email to Hans Vestberg , I s...
- [Pensé] Ok, I send an email to "Carlos Slim Helú" ...
- [Pensé] Telefónica and Tim are European, have thou...
- [Rever] Telefónica deve trazer OpenRAN para Brasil...
- [Rever][Analyze] OpenRAN
- [Pensé] I don't want to talk about racism. The wor...
- [Pensé] Has an error in thought below; the issue o...
- [Rever] Ki-yoo (Block of Notes Online) (MP4) http:...
- [Pensé] Ki-yoo (Block of Notes Online) https://m.b...
- [Theory][Test] Public Funds System on the Internet...
- [Pensé] I liked it, Richard Ells opened up my idea...
- [Pensé] Existe fatores, regras no Brasil, quando u...
- :::::: # ::::::::
- [Pensé] :::::::: # ::::::::::
- [Pensé] It has no other intention, I wanted to pub...
- [Pensé] Denounces: The Withdrawal of Civil Law, Br...
- [Pensé] Uno Blog em Deepweb "Galaxy3" galaxy3bhpzx...
- [Pensé] Sometimes I'm silly, but it's good to be s...
- [Pensé] Política é para se eleger, Gestão Política...
- [Pensé] Fico feliz em ajudar o Chile, mais vai pre...
- [Pensé] I like cryptocurrencies, more is missing s...
- [Pensé] SciELO has a wonderful job. There are arti...
- [Rever][Analyze] Defining cyberterrorism - Laura M...
- [Rever] Types of IT Architects: A Content Analysis...
- [Pensé] I believe in a few things, but I believe t...
- [Pensé] Richard Ells talks about transparency, hon...
- ENC: Access the full 16-page Cointelligence report...
- [Pensé] I remember an interview of the creator of ...
- [Pensé] I can't hate China, but sometimes they mak...
- [Pensé] The TikTok that bothered me because it gav...
- [Pensé] I love it when I'm right! Ref. Tik...
- ENC: Daily Investor Update: U.S. senators urge pro...
- [Pensé] Uma Disputa Justa por uma das maiores Oper...
- [Pensé] É divulgável a Telefónica pede prazo para...
- [Pensé] Que viaje, um papel de $0,50 á $5 ou $10? ...
- [Pensé] India and France, enter into economic reco...
- [Pensé] A Oi telecomunicações está no meu "Portfól...
- [Pensé] Every time I put my picture on the Interne...
- [Pensé] Países pobres, usam Whatsapp, o meu país u...
- [Pensé] A taxa do desemprego não é alarmante, aind...
- [Pensé] Eu adorei essa analise abaixo; Podemos not...
- ENC: PIB cai -1,5% no 1o. trimestre, Eletrobras te...
- [Pensé] No sé si tengo amigos, no importa, ¡nunca ...
- [Pensé] ¡Quiero ser ignorante por un tiempo! Neces...
- [Pensé] I had to hide personal content, my persona...
- [Pensé] I love this feature of Blogger to be able ...
- [Pensé] I'm just afraid of the future. Because not...
- Pacer-gov.blogspot.com; Service discontinued 28/05...
- [Pensé] I think I've created a viable financial sy...
- [Pensé] I saw some cool ideas at Yandex, about inv...
- [Pensé] I'll have to see a question, Block Z has a...
- [Theory][Test] Public Funds System on the Internet...
- [Theory][Test] Public Funds System on the Internet...
- [Pensé] 2018 passou. O importante é 2021 é quando ...
- [Pensé] Poucas músicas minha, não puxa o conceito ...
- [Pensé] Eu gosto de Ideias de Conspiração, aquelas...
- Sistema de saúde do Chile à beira do colapso; médi...
- [Pensé] Tem algo importante sobre a retomada, outr...
- [Pensé] Eu não acredito em mudanças drásticas em q...
- [Pensé] Eu acredito, que foi ajuda do governo e in...
- [Pensé] Quando for 1 de Junho á Agosto, acredito e...
- [Pensé] Essa daqui é a Bolsa da Índia, são bons em...
- [Pensé] Sei lá...vou ter que voltar rever algumas ...
- [Pensé] Acho que vou voltar escrever em espanhol, ...
- [Pensé] Blog Pessoal, não anexo no Google. Para te...
- [Pensé] Eu tinha um blog para meus pensamentos, fi...
- [Pensé] How cool, the blogger wants to change the ...
- [Rever] Human Photosynthesis
- [Pensé] I remember this story, it's epic, because ...
- [Pensé] É preocupante o avanço do Desemprego, mais...
- ENC: Desemprego no Brasil avança para 12,6%, Oi ad...
- [Pensé] Corruption destroys any country.
- [Pensé] I believe in a better world, I have to bel...
- [Pensé] It doesn't matter anymore.
- [Pensé] Porn is for the weak, will never add anyth...
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