[Rever] Human Photosynthesis

quinta-feira, 28 de maio de 2020

Ref; https://scienceintegritydigest.com/2019/07/15/human-photosynthesis/

[...] Simply put, photosynthesis is the process in which plants and other organisms use the energy from the sun to convert simple molecules (carbon dioxide and water) into more complex molecules, such as glucose or other sugars.

[...] Animals need to eat plants or other animals that eat plants down the food chain to get that energy.

[...] This pathway generates NADH, which then is used to make ATP, the energy-storage molecule. This is basic biology – and anyone who claims that humans can do photosynthesis or that glucose or ATP are not used for cellular energy requirements will be met with great skepticism.

[...] science should always be open to new hypotheses or theories that go against common concepts. But – if you make extraordinary claims that go against accepted theories, you also need to come with extraordinary evidence.

Link http://humanphotosynthesis.com/

[...] The Center for the Study of Human Photosynthesis, was founded as a result of our discovery of the amazing ability of the human body to transform the visible and invisible light energy into chemical free energy through dissociation and re-formed from the water molecule , which forms a chemical cycle that first part is almost identical to the first reaction that occurs in the leaves of plants, where the chlorophyll in the presence of the ends of the visible light (purple and red) dissociates the molecule water generating hydrogen and oxygen diatomic, ie liquid water transforms the gaseous components, which is a reaction in the laboratory requires much energy as is necessary to raise the temperature of water to two thousand degrees Celsius, and leaf ground and we took him out at room temperature.

[...] The human eye, specifically the human retina, needs a lot of energy.
•There are no blood vessels in the retina. Thus, ATP or glucose cannot reach the retina. How then can the retina get energy?

•The retina contains the pigment melanin
•This melanin can split water into H2 and O2. H2 is the carrier of energy.
•Thus, energy comes from water, and biomass comes from glucose
•"Glucose cannot be the source of energy; in that case diabetic patients must be able to fly. " – Solís Herrera et al. 2013
•"Human being begin to lose the capacity to split the water molecule at 26 years old, ca. 10 % each decade, and after fifties goes into free fall" – Solís-Herrera et al. 2012
•"It is not known what energy is. Is it a line? Is it a circle? Is it a wave? Is it a comma? Who knows? Energy is everything that is able to produce some change, whichever could be." – Solís-Herrera et al. 2013
•"By raising the levels of this unsuspected photosynthetic process in the human body, i.e. by pharmacological means, the body responds as a whole, and begins to function as correctly he has done millions of times, millions of years" – Solís-Herrera et al. 2015

"Melanin is to the Animal Kingdom like Chlorophyll is to the Vegetable Kingdom" – http://humanphotosynthesis.com/

[...] There are several steps in this theory that sound incorrect. For starters, the human species is only 200,000 years old, not millions of years. But maybe the authors could convince us with some mind blowing experiments?

I searched very hard, but none of their papers appear to show that melanin can split water into H2 and O2. Or that H2 is the bearer of energy to retina or other cells. It is just a (wild) theory.

[...] Alzheimer's Disease

A 2012 paper (in Pharm Anal Acta, a very low impact journal) by the HPSC group describes a group of 308 Alzheimer's patients who "fell attracted due to notable therapeutic results and came of their own volition to our Human Photosynthesis Center. " There is no description of age, gender distribution, or inclusion/exclusion criteria. There was no control group.

[...] In addition, there are several US patents associated with the Photosynthesis Study Center and/or author Arturo Solis-Herrera. So there is a huge conflict of interest. Unfortunately, these patents are not disclosed in most of the papers by this group.

•US Patent 8,455,145B2 describes "Photoelectrochemical method of separating water into hydrogen and oxygen, using melanins or the analogues, precursors or derivatives thereof as the central electrolysing element"

•US Patent 9,918,996B2 describes "Methods of using qiapine"

•US Patent 10,220,021 B2 describes "Methods for treating and preventing ocular diseases, disorders, and conditions with melanin and melanin analogs, precursors, and derivatives"