Standard (Part 4) BLOCK Z10 *Creating Function

sábado, 4 de abril de 2020

xXxXxxxxXX  +  xxXxXXXxXx <

1111411 + 1111111111 = 112222522 < XXxx !ERRO

Erro < "successive "2222" < "X" It cannot generate encoding with successive numbers other than "1".


System Block Z10 Not possible numbering with the system ("X").


xXxXxxxxXX  -  xxXxXXXxXx <

1111411 - 1111111111 = 1110999700 <




xXxXxxxxXX  /  xxXxXXXxXx <

1111411 / 1111111111 = 0,0100026999010003 <

XxxXXXXXX  < 9 Characters  ERRO!


System Counts in the calculation 10 characters without null error.


(a) 0,00340053111556777755432

XXXxxxxXXXXX  (12) < 111411111  < NULL



XXXXxxxxxX (10) < 451 < OK!


• Number "0" not is Accounts.

• We can conclude that the base calculation is division.

xXxxxXxxXX / XxxxXXXxxx < 1131211 / 131113 = 8,6277 {xxxxxxxxXX < 82}

• An important rule, which to form the Block, you can use in the calculation possibility of a number next to to complete the requirement of 10 characters. As in the example above. ⬆

• The basis is division to generate another encoding; Splitting only happens with the same standard code required.

By J. Pedro de M. Filho / Brazil 04 of April, 2020