ENC: [YouTube] A copyright claim was created for content in "Prova: Pres. Record TV, Luiz Cláudio Costa e Antonio Guerreiro VP Jornalismo acusado por Difamação"

quinta-feira, 30 de janeiro de 2020

De: YouTube
Enviada em: ‎30/‎01/‎2020 18:53
Para: ZicutaKE Brasil
Assunto: [YouTube] A copyright claim was created for content in "Prova: Pres. Record TV, Luiz Cláudio Costa e Antonio Guerreiro VP Jornalismo acusado por  Difamação"

Hi ZicutaKE Brasil,

A copyright owner using Content ID claimed some material in your video.

This is not a copyright strike. This claim does not affect your account status.

There are either ads running on your video, with the revenue going to the copyright owner, or the copyright owner is receiving stats about your video's views.

Note: Your video was manually reviewed by the copyright owner or someone on behalf of the copyright owner.

  • Video title: Prova: Pres. Record TV, Luiz Cláudio Costa e Antonio Guerreiro VP Jornalismo acusado por Difamação
  • Copyrighted content: Balanço Geral SP 1909
  • Claimed by: Rádio e Televisão Record

What's next?
If there are no problems, you don't need to take any action. You don't need to delete your video.

If something went wrong and the copyright owner or our system made a mistake, we have a dispute process. Only use it if you're confident you have the rights to use all the content in your video.

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