Fw: Donation from Fayriane Dorseide of $4,47 (Novo Doador)

segunda-feira, 25 de julho de 2022

From: Zicutake USA Comment <zicutake@live.com>
Sent: Monday, July 25, 2022 9:48 AM
To: Fayriane Dorseide <dorseidefayriane@gmail.com>
Subject: Re: Donation from Fayriane Dorseide of $4,47 (Novo Doador)
》Your money will be invested in knvest funds in an asset of the Brazilian Stock Exchange (B3). You can request the outtake in 12 months (From the date of this email), the amount will be correct as the gain of the fund rises the investment. 《

July 25, 2022.

J. Pedro

De: Donorbox <support@mail2.donorbox.org>
Enviado: segunda-feira, 25 de julho de 2022 00:05
Para: Zicutake USA Comment <zicutake@usacomment.com>
Assunto: Donation from Fayriane Dorseide of $4,47 (Novo Doador)

Congrats Zicutake USA Comment,

You have a new donation for 》KnVest《

Nome: Fayriane Dorseide
E-mail: dorseidefayriane@gmail.com
Campanha: 》KnVest《
Quantia: $4,47
Intervalo de Doações: Uma vez
Recibo #: 23348002
Forma de Pagamento: Visa 4287
Paga Em: 07/24/2022 23:02:44 EDT

You can contact the donor by replying to this email.

Donorbox Team