Omission makes people bad people

terça-feira, 3 de março de 2020
Every day there are people who do horrible things in Brazil and in the world. People do horrible things because society doesn't create room to take care of everyone.

Every year new people are born, every year inequality grows. Inequality is incitement to crime.

People can't think about the future because they weren't raised to think. Everyone has a dream, but this dream is something futile, it's not something that helps grow society.

People are discarded, like Nazi eugenics, for their belief, for their culture, for their education, for being simply people. It is not each makes their destiny, we who make the fate of our fellow men.

When I was a kid, I thought I was just like everyone, the more when an agent grows up, it's all different. They take away my right to do justice, and I don't regret anything.

I don't want to change my way of thinking. I'm never going to let you get my name dirty because I report the wrong person.

Nobody cares about justice, because everyone owes it to her.

By Joaquim Pedro de Morais Filho