[...] Accusation of Calumny By Lysias [Verified Registry.zicu.tk]

quarta-feira, 11 de agosto de 2021

8. Accusation of Calumny

The Speeches of Lysias
Translated by W. R. H. Lamb in the Loeb Classical Library, 1930, and now in the public domain

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1 It is a suitable opportunity, I consider, that I have taken to deal with matters on which I had long been wishing to speak; for we have here present the persons against whom I have to complain, and those present also before whom I am anxious to reprove the men who have done me wrong. To be sure, one is far more earnest towards men in their presence; for although I suppose that my opponents will count it as nothing to be considered unfriendly by their friends (else they would never have made even a first attempt to offend against me), 2 to the rest I would like to show that I have done no wrong to these men, but that they were beforehand in wronging me. Now of course it is painful to be compelled to speak of these matters but it is impossible not to speak, when I meet with ill-treatment against my expectation, and find that I am wronged by those whom I took to be friends. [...]

Ref.: https://cmuntz.hosted.uark.edu/texts/lysias/8-accusation-of-calumny.html


Lísias foi um orador grego. Seu pai, Céfalo, era filho de Lisânias, filho de Céfalo, e era natural de Siracusa. Lísias nasceu no segundo ano da 80.ª olimpíada, quando Philocles, sucessor de Phrasicles, era arconte. Wikipédia