sábado, 28 de dezembro de 2019


The Withdrawal of Civil Law

December 28, 2019

source of publishing electronic; https://www.twitter.com/Zicutake/status/1210885376317034498?p=v

In Brazil we always walk with our heads down. We constantly have our constitutional rights violated and no one does nothing.

In Brazil and Latin America, sum sums created that laws are made for those with financial possessions. In Brazil people are afraid of retaliation by people with higher education and possessions.

In Brazil, omission something that kills every year. In Brazil, omission is normal. In Brazil there is negligence on the part of human rights, there are children removed from their mothers, because it is poor (The constitution says that this is all wrong). 

In Venezuela, all rights have been withdrawn and there is a case of Venezuelan Youth prostitution in Brazil because of Money.
French Guiana does not exist, although it exists in Latin America, there is no development, there is oil exploration.

Bolivia tries to save rights; Colombia will always be something related to Drugs, the more it is improving.
In Brazil politicians try at all times to withdraw Rights, defraud the constitution to benefit. This year was a year of public equity sales, people don't understand where the money goes.

The president of Brazil breaks constitutional laws of respect and equality, he exalts weapons with Evil in its use. Weapons are not made to be trophy is for Defense in the Last Case.

In Brazil, corrupt judges or who make the judicial process faster, withdraw and defraud constitutional rights. Frauda 133 CF (Mandatorily lawyer) and withdraws 134 CF (Right to Defense), many have never seen his lawyer from the case. 

The use of drugs leaves skeletal people, many walk on the street in Brazil, created a law (13840/2019) for internally forced, including in therapeutic communities (which does not use medications; That's torture "Law 9455/97".)

In Brazil, religion is free, the more if you are from the religion of African matrices, you suffer prejudice. (Going against the Constitution).

In Brazil many dream of being a lawyer in search of titles and power, many say that they want to be delegate, Judge, not justice, for power and money.

It is believed that with constitutional fraud in Article 133 of the Constitution, may have generated amounts in fees to lawyers and judges, withdrawing rights in the State of São Paulo. Swindle in the Public Judicial System.

I Joaquim Joaquim Pedro de Morais Filho denounced a Judge of the District of Nova Granada, São Paulo for withdrawal of rights and Swindle in the Public Defender's Office......Because I saw clearly the judge sentencing the withdrawal of 134 from the Constitution and issuing fees to a lawyer I've never seen.

Justice in Brazil has practices that do not match the Preamble of the Constitution and its preaching. The judge and lawyers involved in the Swindle case in the Public Defender's Office, after months of suing me for slander.

But there's only no slander without the first complaint inquiry. I've never seen an inquiry, I triggered every possible body.

I've never seen the culprits become defendants. The complaints are exact, constitutional proof of judicial error. My process and sister's will always be something simple that showed how it is possible to take away the rights.

In 2019 I understood that I will never have answers to my process, but I also understood that the act of withdrawing Constitutional Law is normal for several Judges (Subject to Fraud).

Supreme Federal Court (STF) responsible for the conservation of rights in Brazil, receives every year requests "Eugenics" that hurts morality the ethics of the constitution.

There is no legal certainty in accordance with Article 5, XXXVI of the Federal Constitution of 88 for the poorest. The omission is gradually destroying the constitution, Congress has high spending on public money and no one does anything.

The police have low salaries and many are only police because of the power acquired with the function. A man died after 80 shots of the Brazilian Army in his car (The Man was innocent), and no one did anything.

A man has been sentenced to seven years in prison for calling a judge a bandit. The judge said the man mocked the justice.

Drug trafficking and drug trafficking groups are created every year, there are cases of sexual abuse in institutions for minors, no human rights or any supervision in Brazil. The statistic is sad.

Not only has bad authorities in Brazil, but there is so much crime in Brazil that everyone is afraid.

In 2012 he heard a case of Cannibalism in the State of Pernambuco, it was sad; were ignorant people committing an Animalesque crime of people who don't know what Rights is.

There are cases of abuse of various types in Military Schools and the Army, poor children are insulted. I have found that there has never been authority to defend them, 135 of the Penal Code is committed directly (Omission).

In Brazil, many do not even know the Preamble of the Constitution, much think that it must continue like this.

In Brazil there are many newspapers without credibility, but there are also credible newspapers, but both are afraid; Fear of government, fear of the state, fear of being a Journalist.

Since the fall of Montezuma II the people of Latin America are seen as "Hungry and without rights", We are hungry because they exploit our pain every day.

Attaches an attitude of a Judge who used his function to hurt the woman's(Authorized sterilization) body and separate her from his son. The judge was Demetrius Ornelas Júnior. "Art. 226 da CF, 5º ; § 7º FUNDADO NOS PRINCÍPIOS DA DIGNIDADE DA PESSOA HUMANA E DA PATERNIDADE"

The PACT OF SAN JOSÉ DA COSTA RICA is gradually diluting in Latin America, article 4 that speaks of the Right to Life, is broken in Brazil regularly.

The Whistleblower makes use of the PACT OF SAN JOSÉ DA COSTA RICA Article 13, item 1. Every person has the right to freedom of thought and expression.

Denunciation by: Joaquim Pedro de Morais Filho